author Vuković Gambar

Vuković Gambar


  • How to get rid of worms and parasites quickly and permanently? What recipes can be used for children and adults? Treatment of worm infections with garlic and onions, ginger, wormwood, asparagus peel, pumpkin seeds, sauerkraut. Diet to cleanse the body of parasites.
    1 December 2021
  • Worm species, parasite species, helminthiases, protists, entomosis, TOP - 7 most common parasites in the human body.
    16 March 2021
  • In this article the author deals with the important subject of internal cleansing the entire body of parasites and it is important to keep it clean.
    16 April 2020
  • Symptoms of parasites in humans is not always pronounced. Parasites in the human body presents a variety of groups, as well as protozoa and external parasites. Most of them are a danger to your health.
    16 April 2020